在法国捡垃圾吃【2】直击上万元面包丢弃瞬间,捡友们排队拿!捡垃圾| 拾荒 | 捡垃圾吃 | 法国 | 穷人 | 拾荒者 |

Описание к видео 在法国捡垃圾吃【2】直击上万元面包丢弃瞬间,捡友们排队拿!捡垃圾| 拾荒 | 捡垃圾吃 | 法国 | 穷人 | 拾荒者 |

Picking up rubbish to eat in France [2] Hit the tens of thousands of yuan of bread and discard it instantly, pickers line up to get it! Because France has strict regulations on artisanal bakeries, bread must be produced on the same day and sold on the same day. If it cannot be sold, it must be discarded on the same day. This has caused a very serious problem with French bakeries discarding bread. , Is it really inedible? In France, in addition to charity organizations that will take these breads to do some charity activities, there are also some people in France who will pick up these food wastes. Among them are some people who are relatively struggling, and there are ordinary people in France. These foods are used to raise livestock, and some are simply not to waste food. These discarded foods are wrapped up in the trash can by the shop assistants very seriously, and people in need will pick them up. This is actually a mutually beneficial food processing method. During this shooting, I also met some French people who picked up trash together. They were all very polite and friendly. They also learned the reason why everyone picked up trash during the chat. This is another observation.

捡垃圾| 拾荒 | 捡垃圾吃 | 法国 | 穷人 | 拾荒者 | 反浪费 | 法国vlog |法国生活 |

捡垃圾# 捡垃圾吃# 拾荒# 穷人#baguette# dechets# dumpster diving# fouiller des poubelles# fouiller des poubelles des grands magasins# fouiller des poubelles des magasin# fouilles les poubelles les magasins# objets trouvé# poubelle grand magasin# poubelles magasins# 反浪费# 拾荒# 捡垃圾# 捡垃圾吃# 法国vlog# 法国文化# 法国疫情# 法国美食纪录片# 法国面包房# 法國麵包# 法棍

*订阅我的频道,每周带给你有趣的法国美食视频* ————https://bit.ly/3lDNe92

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**微博————https://weibo.com/u/7483312068 (这里只有Yooupi的私生活)


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相机:Fujifilm XT-3

镜头:fujinon 10-24mm
fujinon 18-55mm

稳定器: DJI Ronin SC


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