
Описание к видео 【インターナショナルリゾートホテル湯楽城】ツイン★12歳まで添い寝無料♪敷地内でひたすら遊べるホテル!ゴルフやテニス、温水プールと充実の施設♪成田空港から近い&ホテル内コンビニも便利な超穴場!

【International Resort Hotel Yurakujo】For visitors to Japan, this hotel is highly recommended for transit or for your last day before returning to your home country.There is also a convenient store inside the clean and comfortable hotel.
This hotel is near Narita Airport. A direct bus runs between Tokyo Station and the hotel for 1,600 yen one way. A free shuttle bus is also available from Narita Airport Terminal 2 or Terminal 1.
The hotel rooms are twin or double, clean and comfortable.
And this is a hotel that won't bore you.There is a very large hot springs facility adjacent to the premises, which guests can use free of charge.You can also practice tennis and golf (racquets and clubs are available for rent)!
There is a buffet restaurant in the hotel, and you can also eat inside Yurakujo after 1pm.
It's a reasonable price starting from $40 for a room without meals, but don't worry, it's an elegant hotel(^^♪(Due to the ongoing inflation in Japan, accommodation prices may increase.)
Please consider staying one more night in Japan!



00:00 オープニング
01:55 ホテル到着
02:42 チェックイン
03:48 お部屋まで
04:23 プレミアムスタンダードツイン
06:57 館内紹介
09:54 テニス
10:23 湯楽城
14:59 噴水ショー
15:33 おはようございます
16:13 ゴルフ&テニス
17:58 旬料理 まかべ
19:56 チェックアウト
20:23 価格紹介
21:18 エンディング(次回予告)


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