Multiple Schemes and Configurations in a React Native iOS App | React Native | BETA,DEV,STAGING

Описание к видео Multiple Schemes and Configurations in a React Native iOS App | React Native | BETA,DEV,STAGING

   • Configure multiple flavor /Schema in ...  

In this video, we’ll be discussing Build Types. We’ll see how they make our React-native Development easier and faster especially when we’re creating applications with minimal differences. These differences can be as small as changes in themes and app icons or can be for different stages of the product such as Dev, QA, Production etc.

We will understand multi configuration as we want to install three different application simultaneously on the device. for example, We want to bundle three different app shares same source code and having display name Dev, QA and Production

Apparently React-Native has problems handling Xcode build configurations and schemes this due the way the packenger works when it creates the Xcode project references from the node modules directory. And this can be a problem is you need to handle multiple environments in your app

1.Create React Native Application
2.Add Development, Staging, Production Target
3.Add Development, Staging, Production Schema
4.Link each Schema with each Target
5.Add Build, Set Pre-Actions and Select Run Target Executable
6.Place Development, Staging and Production GoogleService-Info.plist file
7.Link each GoogleService-Info.plist file with each Target
8.Update .podfile to share dependency with Development, Staging and 9.Production Target
10.SetUp various environment in Android
11.SetUp Product Flavor
12.Place Development, Staging and Production google-services.json file in

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00:00 Introduction
03:22 Different Target creation for Dev, Staging, Prod
07:08 Different Schema creation for Dev, Staging, Prod
11:44 Pod installation for Dev, Staging, Prod
13:43 Env file creation for Dev, Staging, Prod
18:38 Pre action script for Dev, Staging, Prod
23:45 Different App name for Dev, Staging, Prod
26:33 Different App Icons for Dev, Staging, Prod
33:24 Different for Dev, Staging, Prod


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