(EN/FR/中文-SUB) What Does It Mean to Be Enlightened? 깨달음이란 어떤 상태인가요?

Описание к видео (EN/FR/中文-SUB) What Does It Mean to Be Enlightened? 깨달음이란 어떤 상태인가요?

행복학교 https://hihappyschool.com/
정토불교대학 https://www.jungto.org/edu/junior/
정토회 http://www.jungto.org

#중도 #사성제 #연기법 #제법이공함
#TheMiddlePath #TheFourNobleTruths #TheLawOfDependentOrigination #Emptiness

중도 , 사성제 , 연기법, 제법이 공함.
이런 부처님 말씀을 듣고 “아, 그렇구나.” 하고 깨달은 것이 깨달음을 얻은 걸까요?
부처님 제자들은 어떻게 부처님 말씀만 듣고
깨달음을 얻어 다들 출가까지 하게 되었는지 궁금합니다.

I learned in Jungto Dharma School that many attained enlightenment
immediately after listening to the Buddha's teachings.
I'm curious to know what being enlightened means exactly.
The Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths, the Noble Eightfold Path, emptiness...
If I understand these concepts, am I enlightened?

J'ai appris à l'école du Dharma de Jungto que de nombreuses personnes ont atteint l'illumination
immédiatement après avoir écouté les enseignements du Bouddha.
Je suis curieux de savoir ce que signifie exactement être illuminé, la voie du milieu, les quatre nobles vérités, le noble sentier octuple, la vacuité...
Si je comprends ces concepts, suis-je éclairé ?

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