Wukong, but it's Lore Accurate | Doom Bot Wukong |

Описание к видео Wukong, but it's Lore Accurate | Doom Bot Wukong |

The Monkey King, known as Sun Wukong in Chinese, is a legendary figure best known as one of the main characters in the 16th-century Chinese novel “Journey to the West”
In League of Legends Wukong was introduced more than 13 years ago in 2011.
And I would like to imagine how more powerful and lore accurate Wukong would look like if it was in League of Legends

So let me introduce you
Wukong – The Monkey King


0:00 - 0:50 - Intro
0:51 - 1:53 - Q Crushing Blow
1:54 - 3:09 - W Warrior Trickster
3:10 - 4:06 - E Nimbus Strike
4:07 - 4:57 - R Cyclone
4:58 - 8:22 - P 72 Bian

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