Описание к видео 【MMD】ODDS&ENDS 【CeVIO オネ/ONE】

Welcome to the description section!
It's me Luciel! I don't have much to talk today in here. I just liked the cover a lot and wanted to make a MMD.

I had some trouble with Instagram people tho. Someone made an edit on my "Sand Planet" MMD without asking me first. I didn't take it hard, but please, if you want to edit anything please credit with my link or ask me first. We are all in here to reach as much people as we can and it helps me a lot if you do so.

Anyway, enjoy!

Credits (comment if I forgot anything):

Music: 茸きのこ
Link to the song: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3438...

Model: Hiromu
Stage: 椛暗

Motion: Seto (Choreography)
Seto (Camera)
Luciel Teo (Effects and edits on the motion/Camera)


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