Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! (Touhou Songs #60)

Описание к видео Corpse Voyage ~ Be of good cheer! (Touhou Songs #60)

It snowed today here, enough to bring down some trees, close some roads, and have a state of emergency declared in my area. And it's not even Halloween yet!

I was debating on putting a more "wintry" song for this upload, but I decided against it because if this year is ANYTHING like last year, it'll be like winter for the next six months, meaning there will be lots of time for winter and snow music. So with that said, here's a song that I think is rather fitting for Halloween, and considering I skipped a Halloween upload last year, it's probably long overdue.

This is a remix of Rin's theme from Touhou 11, Subterranean Animism. While not my favorite remix of this theme (that would be song #13 on my playlist, check it out if you haven't already), I do really like the overall mood and beat of this song. Also, I think this is one of the songs where a violin and a techno beat seem to actually work well together, though I imagine that's a matter of personal taste.

Have a happy Halloween everyone, and here's hoping any Halloween plans you have don't get ruined because of premature snow.

Title: 黒猫鎮魂歌
Artist: ひとおおかみ
Album: TOUHOU YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - WHAT'S A HOUTOU? DELICIOUS? -


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