Overview: Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Substance Abuse Program (SAP)

Описание к видео Overview: Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Substance Abuse Program (SAP)

http://www.NationalDrugScreening.com | 866-843-4545

In this video of the NDS Video Blog series, Joe Reilly discusses the Employee Assistance Program, also known as an EAP, the Substance Abuse Program (SAP) and the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP).

Many companies have an EAP as part of their benefits, tied into company's insurance program.

An Employee Assistance Program, commonly referred to as an EAP, is a part of an employees benefit package and is typically tied to a company's insurance program. The EAP is a way for an employee to get confidential help for personal problems and work-related problems that might affect their capacity to perform their job or impact their mental health. This includes helping an employee who has a problem with drug and alcohol abuse.

EAPs frequently provide confidential, over-the-phone counseling and assessments for the employee and can assist with referring the employee to a local facility that can help with further treatment or counseling.

There are times when an employee might be required to participate in the EAP. For instance, in the case where an employer is gracious enough to give an employee who tested positive for drug use a second chance by going into and completing treatment through the EAP.

In other cases, like when the Department of Transportation governs the safety of the workplace, the EAP is required when a DOT regulated employee test positive for drugs. The employee must use the EAP to see a Substance Abuse Professional, or SAP, for treatment and counseling. Further, a required followup counseling session will happen before the employee can re-enter a DOT safety-sensitive position.

Many employers have questions about how EAPs work and the best way to structure an EAP to maximize benefit for their companies. Much more information can be found on our website and blog.

Website: https://www.nationaldrugscreening.com/
Articles about EAP: https://www.nationaldrugscreening.com...
For more info on the drug testing industry, drug and alcohol testing regulations and upcoming changes, and a whole lot more, visit the NDS Blog regularly: http://www.NationalDrugScreening.com

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