Sargachi Ramakrishna mission hostel Life place

Описание к видео Sargachi Ramakrishna mission hostel Life place

The Sargachi Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama runs a Primary Teacher’s Training Institute of an intake capacity of 50 (Fifty) candidates each year, in a separate campus, adjacent to the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama. The PTTI was started in the year 1958 and now conducts D.El.Ed. Course of programme of two-year duration. It is a NCTE recognized institute, affiliated to the West Bengal Board of Primary Education and sponsored by the Government of West Bengal. The institute is fully residential in nature for all the trainees and employees. The course conducted for Teacher Training is of two year duration. It has one administrative block, five blocks of hostel and fourteen staff quarters, surrounded by nature’s green. The institute has a separate library, a laboratory and an art room for the inmates and also has a large playground inside the Ashrama Campus. Only the male candidates are admitted here on the basis of marks obtained in the H.S. Examination, as per NCTE norms. It always makes effort for implementing ‘Man making and character building’ ideas of education as pronounced by Swami Vivekananda. The institute has made an excellent tradition of good results over the year. After successful completion of the training course, most of the trained candidates are absorbed in the elementary schools as teachers.


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