Ursa Minor & Akane Watanabe vs. Amanda Mills & Ash Romero (Tag Team Scramble Round of 16)

Описание к видео Ursa Minor & Akane Watanabe vs. Amanda Mills & Ash Romero (Tag Team Scramble Round of 16)

The Tag Team Scramble first round match-ups continue as Akane Watanabe looks to continue a recent run of success when she teams with the debuting Ursa Minor. Little is known about Ursa Minor, except that she believe her victory tonight is written in the stars. Their opponents could not be further apart in style of temperament, as Amanda Mills continues to seek the approval of Priscilla Divine and the Divine Angels, as Ash Romero continues to fight on behalf of the WWA Dojo students she wants to train to be superstars. Will the stars align for Akane and the debuting Ursa Minor in this tag team tournament, or will the chance of opposites claiming victory simply prove too attractive? There is only one way to find out!


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