PIGGIES' REVIEW: Rosewood Naturals Boredom Breakers

Описание к видео PIGGIES' REVIEW: Rosewood Naturals Boredom Breakers

See what the piggies thought of their Christmas presents - the Rosewood Naturals Boredom Breakers line. Sorry this one is long, but I did go a bit overboard and get them lots of the stuff so they had lots to review!!! It took me all month to get this done because I didn't want to have them review it all at once. Hope you enjoy! Would love to hear what you thought (and if you think I should stick to shorter videos lol). Thanks for watching!

And thanks to Bobby's Bunny Boutique again for making these products readily available to us here in the US! If you are in the US or Canada, check them out for awesome UK products with awesome shipping rates! http://www.bobbysbunnyboutique.com/

Visit the piggies on their FB page:   / carislittlepiggies  


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