Why No One Understands the Creativity of INFJs and INFPs

Описание к видео Why No One Understands the Creativity of INFJs and INFPs

INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are two of the most highly creative types out of all the MBTI types. However, they are also the two types that suffer from the most self-doubt

about their creativity. There is one very good reason INFJ personality types and INFP personality types struggle so much with self-doubt in this area, and that’s because no one understands INFJ and INFP creativity.

The truth is that INFJ personality types and INFP personality types are highly creative. Both types have no trouble coming up with new ideas, asking a lot of questions, wondering “why” and “what if,” and connecting seemingly unconnected things. These traits are all hallmarks of strong creativity. However, for most of their lives, whenever an INFJ or an INFP tries to share their creativity with others, they are told they are doing it the wrong way.

INFJs and INFPs are told, “That’s weird,” “That’s too dark,” “Why would you even think of that?” Or, “That doesn’t make any sense,” or, “How did you get there?” These are all statements that make INFJs and INFPs feel shamed, wrong, stupid, and like they don’t know what they’re doing. This fills the INFJ or INFP with self-doubt and this happens from an early age. To the INFJ or INFP, it feels like no one else gets them, and then they carry that strong self-doubt into adulthood.

So, an INFJ or an INFP may dream of writing a book, or making art, or making music, and sharing what they create with the world, so that they can share themselves and also help other people, but when they try to be creative in any way, that same old self-doubt and shame come flooding back. Watch the video to find out more.

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