The Creativity Process behind GRIS

Описание к видео The Creativity Process behind GRIS

The Creativity Process behind GRIS
Adrián Cuevas

Session: Plenary

GRIS is the journey of a girl dealing with the most painful experience in her life. Explaining this story with no words or dialogue has been a great challenge for Nomada Studio. Adrian Cuevas will explain the process of creation for GRIS, showing the different tools, references and ideas that were used during the production of the game. Art, Music, Animation, Game Design, ... everything is extremely important to have a consistent narrative and engage the player with a story that will not be told. On top of that GRIS targets all kind of audience, even people that are not used to play video games. This will brought more challenges to the design and construction of the game. Adrian will talk about some of the decisions that were made to make the game more appealing to non-gamers.


Recorded at CHI PLAY 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 22–25 October 2019


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