Ridgeway grandfather clock (does not work)

Описание к видео Ridgeway grandfather clock (does not work)

This is a ridgeway grandfather clock that I bought from the hope chest for $60 in 2013. Which is an organization that sells antiques to help tackle breast cancer. This clock has a strange problem where the hands can’t be moved if you do it manually, but it works when the clock is actually running. The hands are the one problem with this clock. It chimes and runs perfectly, the chime was just slow in this video because it hasn’t been used in a long time. The reason the pendulum wasn’t on is because the suspension spring broke as I was trying to service it, so I will have to get a new one. This clock was bought for $600-700 (around $2000 adjusted for inflation) on June 10, 1975 from Ross furniture in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It is the model “Becky Crockett” 138. The serial number is 7165.

   • Ridgeway grandfather clock (faster ch...   here is a video where it chimes faster


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