VRAY 6 Best and Easiest Settings - Stop Being Fooled

Описание к видео VRAY 6 Best and Easiest Settings - Stop Being Fooled

Vray 6 can be intimidating when looking at all the settings. However it's a lot simpler than you think as I explain in this video.

See Chaos for more information - https://support.chaos.com/hc/en-us/ar...

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00:00 - This one Simple Trick
01:02 - Time vs Quality
01:34 - Two Types
02:40 - Quality Settings in Bucket Mode
03:23 - Subdivs vs Noise
05:50 - Render Times
06:30 - Adding DeNoiser
07:37 - Min Shading
08:25 - Best Overall Setting
09:09 - Summary


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