skywalk mint mini siv and speed test new en c 2 liner

Описание к видео skywalk mint mini siv and speed test new en c 2 liner

the lovely new 2-liner of Skywalk named Mint
I want to tell you about my flight experience:
⭕️Launch: First of all, we will go to the launch or take-off ball
It does not require a special technique, it rises smoothly and uniformly with constant pressure.
Everything is easy when taking off rivers, even with low wind.
⭕️ Spins: Spinning this wing is enjoyable and it can be said that it is very similar to Chili Panj. A little more pressure and more dynamic.
The rotations are arbitrary and precise.
Brake pressure is a matter of taste. This high pressure gives a sense of security to many. Some people are more comfortable with softer brakes.
⭕️ Sense of stability: Due to the aspect ratio or the low beard aspect, as well as the two-liner, the wing is extremely stable and calm.
You can see the wing very high pressure and energetic at first glance.
I must also say that it is more stable and comfortable than many existing c-wings.
You don't see extra movement in the wing.
Speed system: smooth and effective. By pulling the speed ball, it becomes firmer and more stable.
Wingtips do not blink in turbulence.
⭕️Rear Riser: The pressure of the rear risers is suitable and the effect on the wing and control with them is very good. Neither stiff nor loose.
⭕️ maneuverability: unique; You can do whatever you want with it.
⭕️ Break Range: The break range is not short like jeans wings and not too long like ozone wings.
⭕️Pitch Motion: The wing is strangely reluctant to turn motion, even when exiting dynamic maneuvers quickly, it stays above your head.
⭕️ movement in the roll axis: the tendency of the wing in speed to roll movements is low.
Speed: at full speed (altitude about 2000 meters above sea level), about 18 km per hour is added.
⭕️ Glide: Glide Ball seems suitable, but since it was not compared with another ball, it is not possible to give a correct opinion.
⭕️ Big Ears: At first, drawing external lines for Big Ears is a bit difficult because the wing is two-liner, but after collapsing, it remains very simple and calm and has a good sync rate, and it needs a few small pumps to open.

⭕️ Spin: The feeling of the moment of spinning is completely clear and is well conveyed to the pilot.
Both from the point of view that the ship ball is breaking and the brake pressure is decreasing.
This gives the pilot time to avoid spinning.
⭕️ general comparison of all brands: if we want to say that the performance of this new class of wings from different companies and their behavior is close to class D wings, it is not like this and it is more of an advertising aspect. I had a few d-liners myself.
The performance, glide and especially the top speed of the D 2-liner balls are more noticeable. Also, the behavior of the ball is not at all similar to the previous 2-liners and they are much more comfortable.
In my opinion, the factory's target market for this wing is different and the factory has achieved the result it wanted very well. How?
This wing is designed in a simple and easy way along with good performance that is suitable for many pilots who can safely come on this wing after a good season of flying with a high class B wing and passing a proper flight safety course.
This wing is a very good option for free distance record flights because it optimally uses the pilot's energy during long flight hours. It can also be a good competitor for the competition because its pilot can speed up more easily than others in difficult conditions.
In the end, I have to say that I liked Mint and I hope to be able to fly with it more.
Thank you to Mohammad Reza Mirdamadi, my good friend and Zagros Clouds club, who provided me with this good wing.


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