
Описание к видео #AskDrBrad

Today on #AskDrBrad, Dr. Brad discusses hidden trapped emotions and heart-walls.

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Discover Healing:   / discoverhealing  

Dr. Bradley Nelson:   / officialdrbradleynelson  
Discover Healing:   / discoverhealing  

Dr. Bradley Nelson's Website: https://drbradleynelson.com
Discover Healing Website: https://discoverhealing.com

The Emotion Code and Body Code: https://discoverhealing.com/certifica...
Muscle Testing: https://discoverhealing.com/muscle-te...

The statements on this video have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any physical or medical conditions or diseases. If you have a physical or medical condition, you should seek the advice of your medical professional immediately.

Hi! My name is Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of "The Emotion Code" and holistic energy healer. If you are an energy healer, interested in energy healing, or just want to heal yourself and loved ones, then this is definitely the place for you! On this channel, I upload videos every day teaching The Emotion Code and Body Code method and diving deeper into the techniques. I help you get a better understand of these methods and I upload videos under the playlist #AskDrBrad to answer the questions you post on previous videos, so be sure to watch for those. I also do live Q&A and Emotion Code and Body Code demos with volunteers. Those are announced on my Facebook page so be sure to follow!

#TheEmotionCode #TheBodyCode #DrBradleyNelson


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