[ ep 10.v ] fall of the foodies!

Описание к видео [ ep 10.v ] fall of the foodies!

So... you want to be a foodie? [ episode 10 ] vamp-apple pie, err... [part two]

it's samhain, and the unseen world is so close you can almost taste it - try to contain yourselves for the second half of our spookiest show ever! MWA-HA-HA-HA!

join us, if you dare, for the terrifying conclusion of Vamp-Apple Pie, err... a recipe that will make your wounds ooze... and the inkernet debut of "Foie Gras' Revenge: The Devil Wears Yellow", the second in our two-part series of bone-chilling documentaries, on loan from the moore family and dawn mcsmelly archive, for your eerie edumatainment.

remember to honor your ancestors - or else they may come back as zombies and try to eat your brains, and by "brains" we mean pie, and by "pie" we mean brains.

it's spooky! send comments to [email protected]


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