vespa CRANK BALANCING with INSETs / pk pv ets / FMPguides - Solid PASSion /

Описание к видео vespa CRANK BALANCING with INSETs / pk pv ets / FMPguides - Solid PASSion /

all smallframe cranks are NOT BALANCED.
mazzucchelli = technically very good crank BUT as all sf crank basically NOT balanced. with heavy metal inserts we raised the statical balancing rate from only 20% (!!) to 44% which will be way better

costs for it:
it duplicated the price of the crank to aprox 360,- in total (0,- balancing check and putting it in)

1) cheap sf crank are all NOT balanced, its simply NOT possible for this price, no matter what marketing wants you make believe ;)

2) balanced cranks are EXPENSIVE
u have to take 400-500,- into your hand if u want a good smallframe crankshaft

3) better buy a balanced one, checkout fabbrizi cranks, saw them for 380.-

Needed crank checks:
straight stumps
conrod strength
balancing, static rate
   • vespa CRANK CHECK: 7 factors | FMP-So...  

NOPE the 12:00 clock simplification is complete rubbish, its a marketing gag, see here why
   • vespa crank 12:00 o clock MYTH  VS re...  


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