How To Fix Smoking Brakes or Sticking Brakes - Is This Why My Wheel Was Smoking while driving?

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How To Fix Brakes That Are Smoking or Sticking

This simple issue Is Why My Wheel Was Smoking while driving down the road. I initially thought I would have to change whole caliper assembly but a little cleaning and lubrication seems to have done the job. (1000s of miles later its still doing well.)

If for some reason you are wondering what is causing the rubber smell or why your wheel is smoking while driving this could be the problem. Often times the contact surfaces of brake pads and calipers get rusty and refuse to slide. Other times they just get too much dirt and grime built up... and other times it can be a more expensive problem with the lines, pistons or brake caliper assembly.

In any case checking for corrosion on the contact surfaces is a good first step if there aren't any apparent leaks during inspection. Brake lube can be found at any parts store and/or at your local mechanic.

*This video is for information purposes only and is in no way intended to be a diagnosis of your vehicle. Please consult with a certified mechanic before tampering with a vehicles mechanical components.


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