Описание к видео IRAPADA ITAN IYANU


1. Irapada! itan iyanu,
Ihin ayo fun gbogbo wa,
Jesu ti ra 'dariji fun wa,
O san 'gbese na lor'igi.

A! elese gba ihin na gbo,
Jo gba ihin oto na gbo,
Gbeke re le Olugbala re
T'O mu igbala fun o wa.

2. Omu wa t'inu'ku bo si'ye,
O si so wa d'om'Olorun;
Orisun kan si fun elese
We nin' eje na ko si mo

3. Ese ki y'o le joba wa mo
B'o ti wu ko dan wa wo to,
Nitori Kristi fi 'rapada
Pa 'gbara ese run fun wa.

4. Gba anu t'Olorun fi lo o.
Sa wa s'odo Jesu loni
'Tori y'o gb'eni t'o ba t'o wa
Ki yi o si da pada lae

1. Redemption! Oh, wonderful story
Glad message for you and for me
That Jesus has purchased our pardon,
And paid all the debt on the tree.

Believe it, O sinner, believe it,
Receive the glad message-'tis true;
Trust now in the crucified Saviour
Salvation he offers to you.

2. From death unto life He hath brought us
And made us by grace Sons of God;
A fountain is opened for sinners;
Oh, wash and be cleans'd in the blood.

3. No longer shall sin have dominion,
Though present to tempt and annoy;
For Christ , in His blessed redemption,
The power of sin shall destroy.

4. Accept now God's offer of mercy;
To Jesus, oh, hasten today;
For He will received him that cometh,
And never will turn him away.


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