Jyväskylän Revontulet - Strong Aurora Borealis bleaching out sunlight and light pollution.

Описание к видео Jyväskylän Revontulet - Strong Aurora Borealis bleaching out sunlight and light pollution.

On the16th and 17th of March, 2015, a major geomagnetic storm caused massive Northern Lights. The storm was so severe that immediately after sunset, the Revontulet (in Finnish) were easily visible. Even from the light polluted city center, the Auroras were easily visible. Many locals were in awe. The show continued for several hours, until soon before sunrise.

I have shot many Northern Lights, even strong ones as these, but what I've never observed before was the on/off fast flashing coming from different parts of the sky (third scene in this video, close to real speed), truly incredible.

All the shots were made within the light polluted city boundaries of
Tuomiojärvi ranta and Kortepohja

Shooting parameters:

Canon EOSKissX4 - RAW

All shots were made at 11mm focal length at an aperture of f/3.2
All scenes were shot with an ISO of 800, apart from the third scene (flashing auroras) which was taken with an ISO of 1600 (with 2,5 seconds exposure).
First scene (sunset) was shot in Av mode with exposure varying from 1 to 8 seconds.
All the remaining scenes were shot with 8 second exposure.

WB and histogram correction in Lightroom


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