Practical introduction to Event Sourcing with EventStoreDB

Описание к видео Practical introduction to Event Sourcing with EventStoreDB

Dot Net Liverpool had a virtual meet-up with Oskar Dudycz who gave an Introduction to Event Sourcing with EventStoreDB.

Event Sourcing is perceived as a complex pattern. Oskar Dudycz presents that this doesn't have to be true. he explains why no data is lost in Event Sourcing, and it's easier to write code closer to business. All of that will be shown on the practical examples using EventStoreDB and flavored with a bit of CQRS and DDD.

About Oskar Dudycz
For over 14 years, I'm creating systems close to the business process. I started a career before StackOverflow existed (so over 14 years ago). I'm a developer, technical team leader, architect.

Oskar an active open-source developer, DevAdvocate at Event Store, and one of the Marten library maintainers. My current biggest interest is Event Sourcing and Domain Driven Design. I'm trying to spread the good word about that and show how to do that every day practically.


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