"Career Evolution" | Live Streaming – Thurs., Dec. 19 at 10am (est)

Описание к видео "Career Evolution" | Live Streaming – Thurs., Dec. 19 at 10am (est)

"Career Evolution" | Live Streaming – Thurs., Dec. 19 at 10am (est)

Social Media Marketing Using LinkedIn’s platform

In this special lecture format, you' ll learn to how to lay the groundwork necessary to take your career to the next level, to get on the 'short list' for that next promotion, and how to be continually marketing your achievements throughout the year –the surest way to be seen as a standout.

•  Perception Is Reality: So, Change Reality
•  Credit, Where Credit Is Do –and How To Get Yours
•  Sharing Accolades Shines the Light on You Too
•  Be Seen as a Leader, By Being a Leader
•  Manage Your Career 'Marketing' Materials: Using LinkedIn, Groups, Blogs & More
•  Your Signature Block Can Speak Volumes
•  Integrating Your Career Strategies Into Your Messaging


The 2025 Hiring Season has Started, Are You Ready? The SelfRecruiter® Series. Be Ready when Opportunity Knocks!

Full Series:

Tues. – Thurs., Dec. 16 – 19 at 10am (est)
'Live Streaming' (free) on my LinkedIn / YouTube / Facebook pages.


In this SelfRecruiter® Series, you'll learn 'How to Showcase Your Career Brand' on Your Resume; expand that narrative across Your LinkedIn Profile; and be ready for the discussion about You during the Interview. Cap off the work lifting Your Career Brand with a Social Media Campaign.

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