《时光音乐会·老友记》"Time Concert·Friends"张杰《天下》唤醒回忆 勾起浓浓情感Jason Zhang 's performance of "The World"

Описание к видео 《时光音乐会·老友记》"Time Concert·Friends"张杰《天下》唤醒回忆 勾起浓浓情感Jason Zhang 's performance of "The World"

"The World" is an unforgettable song. Through Zhang Jie's interpretation, this song carries strong emotions and profound memories, touching the softest place in people's hearts. It not only has a beautiful melody, but also has resonant lyrics that make people intoxicated and immersed in a world of love and warmth.

#时光音乐会老友记 #Jason Zhang#张杰 #张杰歌曲


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