Until 2023 Red & Blue Albums - Unboxing Beatles Books, CDs and DVDs

Описание к видео Until 2023 Red & Blue Albums - Unboxing Beatles Books, CDs and DVDs

Now and Then is out, the Red and Blue albums are almost out, but my copies haven't yet arrived, and have little chances of doing so on Friday, so until they do, let's unpack some books, CDs and DVDs of... you guessed it: The Beatles.
We'll have some more focused videos in the future, when we'll look more in-depth at each of these along with others from the same category. For now, feel free to judge this one more harshly, sorry if this does not look or sound as good as the previois ones, but unlike my friends I lack the tools and focus to record stuff at high levels.
I will get better in the future ones, I promise.

Special thanks goes to Suntoucher for editing.

00:00 Intro
02:22 1st box o'books
05:07 2nd box o'books
06:24 CDs
10:22 DVDs
13:35 Closing

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