Boy in a Bubble

Описание к видео Boy in a Bubble


Boy in a bubble head up in the clouds
Sky is the limit but eyes are looking down
Reflections in a puddle down on the ground
That world down theres just too loud

He can't see the beauty all around him
eternally scrolling it's looking a bit grim
The music doesn't reach his ears
and when he cries the rain drops fall like tears

He can't hear a word thats spoke
He's floating on the wind like smoke
his dreams all burnt up turned to ashes
Because of how much time he passes.

When he's up there safe and sound insulated all around
He doesn't care where he goes
he rides the tide when the wind blows

Reality is just too real
and feelings hurt too much to feel

Shoulders stooped he's in a stupor
His mind controlled by his computer
Lives life by remote control
Unaware he's had his future stole

Protected by his safety pod
governed by his handheld god
He doesn't even feel the cold
He sleeps while past and presents sold

Addicted to this astral projection
defence against all human rejection
The virtual world is where he roams I don't think he's coming home

Escaping into handheld portals
Soaring high away from mortals
Aching yearning to feel numb
but just left empty deaf blind and dumb

Reality is just too real
and feelings hurt too much to feel

On the ground now there is no trace
of him as he floats off into space
I told him not to drift too far
He left earth to become a star

But he ended up all on his own
his bodies there but no one's home
Oh if only he had known
from the sky he could have thrown
that poisoned bubble called his mobile phone


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