Хто переможе? БАТЛ Ручні плиткорізи на 1200 ! Rubi Sigma Raimondi Montolit Battipav Shijing Haisser

Описание к видео Хто переможе? БАТЛ Ручні плиткорізи на 1200 ! Rubi Sigma Raimondi Montolit Battipav Shijing Haisser

Для різу плитки і керамограніту використовуються ручні і електричні плиткорізи. У великих містах, дуже часто використовується для облицювання плитка розміром 1200 х 600 мм. Самий простий, швидкий і чистий спосіб різу - ручні плиткорізи. Тому для батлу (змагання), взяв 10 (десять) самих відомих плиткорізів. Було порізано 17 плиток (1200 х 600 мм) різного керамограніту (мат, глянець) різної товщини Італійського виробництва, а також 8 плит (1200 х 400 мм) твердої кераміки Іспанського виробництва. В батлі приймали участь професійні плиточники запрошені з групи Вайбер - Плиточники UA. Окрема подяка Олександру і Роману за надання плиткорізу Sigma 3E4M MAX. Підготовку і проведення батла організовував Совайло Анатолій. Жодної копійки не отримано від жодного постачальника, спонсора.. тощо. Все, як завжди було чесно і прозоро. Голосування по переможцю відбувалось плиточниками.

Haisser 1200 мм - 5800 грн
Shijing 1200 мм - 7300 грн
Shijing Boda 1200 мм (аналог) - 7300 грн
Nuova Battipav LEGGERA 137 - 1370 mm – 11850 грн
Nuova Battipav SUPER PRO EVO 125 – 12850 грн
Nuova Battipav PROFI EVO 133 ALU – 19500 грн
Raimo Spinta 125 (Montolit) - 33000 грн
Sigma 3E4M MAX L = 127,4 mm – 37700 грн
Rubi TP-125 S - 26000 грн
Rubi TX - 1250 MAX - 43000 грн


Manual and electric tile cutters are used for cutting tiles and ceramic granite. In large cities, tiles measuring 1200 x 600 mm are often used for cladding. The simplest, fastest and cleanest way of cutting is manual tile cutters. Therefore, for the battle (competition), I took 10 (ten) of the most famous tile cutters. 17 tiles (1200 x 600 mm) of different ceramic granite (matt, gloss) of different thicknesses, made in Italy, were cut, as well as 8 slabs (1200 x 400 mm) of solid ceramics made in Spain. Professional tilers invited from Viber group - UA Tilers took part in the battle. Special thanks to Oleksandr and Roman for providing the Sigma 3E4M MAX tile cutter. The preparation and conduct of the battle was organized by Sovaylo Anatoliy. Not a penny received from any supplier, sponsor..etc. Everything, as always, was honest and transparent. Voting for the winner was done by tilers.


I, Anatoly Sovailo, invite you to become a sponsor of my channel @TileCutter-video I send all the money for the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 10 OGSHB and 95 ODSHB

Russia started an armed invasion of my country, Ukraine. Russia started the war. Russian troops kill civilians, destroy cities, villages and industry, seize Ukrainian territory. Overwhelming majority of Russians support the war in Ukraine. Therefore, all Russians are responsible for this bloodshed. Every country now has a clear answer to the question if Russians want the war – THEY DO.

Briefly review of Russian justifications for the war:

1) Russia claims that the Nazis seized power in Ukraine.

Rebuttal: the president of Ukraine has Jewish ancestry. Ukraine is a multinational country, where all people live in peace and good neighborliness. There are radical nationalists, but extremely few, and they are not represented in parliament. We have no more radical nationalists than in Russia, and no more than in civilized countries.

2) Russia says it opposes the NATO and the United States.

Rebuttal: Ukraine is not part of NATO, and we are not even going to be invited in the near future. Throughout their existence, NATO and the USA never seized or captured other people's lands.

3) Russia believes that Ukraine has a lot of weapons and need to be “demilitarized”.

Rebuttal: we gave up nuclear weapons, we have no cruise missiles, no advanced air defense systems, no large destroyer ships or submarines. We desperately need weapons in order to protect our country from Russia, which already annexed Crimea and the part of Donbass. By signing Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, Russia guaranteed peace to Ukraine, but later Russia was the first to break it. Therefore, the only defense of Ukraine is our armed forces.

I appeal to the leadership of Raimondi, to Battipav, to Sigma, to Rubi, to all tilers and to all citizens of the world. One can not have any business with Russia, neither sell, nor buy, nor invite guests. For Ukrainians from now on and forever, Russians are enemies and murderers. For the whole world, Russia is the aggressor, outcast country that has only North Korea as its ally.


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