Post & Beam Design | Where to Draw the Line with Timber Frame Decor

Описание к видео Post & Beam Design | Where to Draw the Line with Timber Frame Decor

Bert Sarkkinen talks about the "Rustic Factor" and implications of adding timber features to your homes. From the effect of posts, to transition area timbers - there are lots of considerations that can make a timber package, too much, too little...or just right!

Post and beam is a revered technique of building, when done right. Those posts, especially interior posts, can have a massive impact on the rustic factor of a house.

Floor plan canvas prep is a massive benefit when designing timbers. The timbers can't just be added in a sort of "lick n' stick" fashion - they need to be carefully considered to best compliment the look and feel of the house.

This is based on a chapter out of "The Art of Hybrid Timber Framing" which is a book written for those interested in getting the best value out of their timber frame package. You can find it on Amazon - take a look at the page on our site.

Do you want your home project to look amazing with indoor timber frame decor? Whether its a Craftsman, Rustic, Farmhouse, Euro, Classic, Traditional, Modern, Contemporary, Open Concept, Large Great Room...the descriptions could go on. Arrow Timber designs timbers that fit the look and feel first and foremost. Learn how you can!

This video is brought to you by Timber Framing company Arrow Timber - always focused on providing finely crafted timbers to customers all over the USA, and committed to becoming the best timber frame experience there is.

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