F-16C 12-0 & 10-0. Don't Tread On Me

Описание к видео F-16C 12-0 & 10-0. Don't Tread On Me

First game doesn't count cause game was over. I was flying straight at him hoping my mavs would have time to reach him. If the game was still going I would never have done something like that so before you comment about title/thumbnail read this.

Is it as good as the Barak II, well of course but I would argue that it is better at killing SAMs and light vehicles because that is what mav's do best and the addition of a targeting pod helps with that so much because you can rifle several mavs without having to reset the view and scan more area with great thermals to find targets.

The issue I run into is when I have to support my team and kill mbt's where the real drawbacks with at least the loadout I was using is that mav's are just not the most reliable in killing or even critically damaging them because of how they aim at centermass no matter where they are coming from. And you have 2 2000lb LGBs to at least delete 2 of them for certain with but that is less than the Barak II can do with more efficiency. And since the inner pylons on the 16C can only carry GBU-24s or dumb bombs I guess it is up to you if you wanna run something else. And of course you are probably uptiering yourself to 12.3 to play CAS. So running this always is prob not worth it if you just wanna play tanks. But it is up to you.

I am a Gaijin partner and I have a discount link with Decal.
Store Link https://tinyurl.com/27fb92c7
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Twitch   / cavenub   (Stream is when I feel like it and is random/have time)

Soundmod (Crew Only and currently not used)

First Match HSTV-L 00:00
First Match F-16C 01:58
Second Match HSTV-L 07:04
Second Match F-16C 08:35


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