DCS Chinook cargo sling load operations formation with Huey and Apache

Описание к видео DCS Chinook cargo sling load operations formation with Huey and Apache

Flying the Chinook in formation with Apache and Huey on DCS and sling loads

#dcs #dcsworld #digitalcombatsimulator #chinook #huey #apache
Digital Combat Simulator World

00:00 - Chinook startup
01:39 - Huey startup
02:37 - Apache taxi
03:36 - Chinook control hover
03:53 - Taxi
04:47 - Aligning on runway
05:44 - Takeoff
07:09 - Approaching cargo zone
07:56 - 16 feet sling loads
09:11 - Second binome entering cargo zone
09:27 - 49 feet sling operations
10:22 - Transporting the cargo
12:21 - Approach to drop zone
14:29 - Dropping cargo
15:13 - Landing


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