Tim Rogers Roasts The 2018 Games Of The Year

Описание к видео Tim Rogers Roasts The 2018 Games Of The Year

Allow me to present my favorite games of the year—and say one thing I dislike about each of them.

I did some research before making this video. I noticed that "worst games of the year" videos always (always!) get more hits on YouTube than "best games of the year" videos. On average, "worst" videos never get 157% the views that "best" videos get.

So, so many good video games came out in 2018 that I knew for sure I wanted to do a video about my favorite games of the year. However, I didn't have time to also do a "worst" games of the year video. So I decided to combine the two ideas: click play and listen to me say the worst, most bluntly honest things I can think of to say about my absolute favorite games of 2018.

It turns out that a lot of games that came out this year were so good that it's genuinely difficult to say anything bad about them! I sure enjoyed the challenge, though.


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