TWICE — English Lines (Until Scientist) | Line Distribution

Описание к видео TWICE — English Lines (Until Scientist) | Line Distribution

#TWICE #EnglishLines #LineDistribution

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1. This video is based on the official lyrics (Pages= Genius, ColorCodedLyrics, and even the subtitles of the m/v.
2. I count the words that are in English, or also those that are NOT in Korean. For example:
You and me in the moonlight, ah
별꽃축제열린밤, ah
3. We already know that adlibs don't count, but in MY case I decided to add some adlibs, such as (ah, oh, uh, woo, woah, mmm, etc.) But the adlibs that I DON'T add are the adlibs/high notes in the last chorus.
4. Regarding the previous point, if you are wondering why I included adlibs (like ah, oh, etc.) it is because they have meaning. I was also guided in the videos of whiteravenkpopfan (their how much english section) where they clearly explain their meaning that I will show them to you right now
Woo - verb (used with object)
a) to seek the favor, affection, or love of, especially with a view to marriage.
b) to seek to win: to woo fame.
c) to invite (consequences, whether good or bad) by one's own action; court: to woo one's own destruction.
d) to seek to persuade (a person, group, etc.), as to do something; requested; importunate.
Woo - verb (used without object)
a) to seek the affection or love of someone, usually a woman; court: He was reminded of his youth when he went wooing.
b) to request favor or approval; entreat: Further attempts to woo proved useless.
origin of woo
before 1050; Middle English wowe, Old English wōgian

Used to express a range of emotions including surprise, anger, disappointment, or joy, or when reacting to a remark.
‘‘Oh no,’ said Daisy, appalled’
'I? Oh, I'm fine
oh shut up
Used to express disbelief.
Origin - Mid 16th century English: variant of O.

"La" - interjection
The use of the word "lā" was originated in 1150 within the Old English Language. But it's origin of "la" can be traced to 1350-1400 Middle English. If it originated in the English language, I'm counting it as English. It was used as another way for staying "oh look" (for example "la, a bird) but then it developed into a way to vocally mimic or express song as well as the 6th note in the diatonic scale ("do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do").
Yes, other languages ​​have uses for the word "la" for example in Spanish "la" is used in place of the feminine word for "the".
They were vocally mimicking music and referencing the 6th note of the diatonic scale of which was originally from 1350-1400 Middle English...
5. I do not count words that are written in Korean and sound in English, for example: 아이스크림/aiseukeulim = ice cream, 바나나 = banana,
6. Obviously I didn't include The Feels since it's a completely English song.
7. Can there be mistakes? Yes, as much as I want my videos to be 100% perfect without any errors, it is not possible. I apologize if there is an error in any line, or if a line is badly written (probably) So write me in the comments where the error is and explain it, so that in a future video I can correct it! Thank you very much and enjoy the video!

what do you think about the line distribution?
i also accept requets! mostly twice

song: scientist - twice
bias: sana, jihyo, tzuyu

~about me~
• i am from argentina
• i am 19 years old
• i edit my videos in camtasia studio 8 and my thumbnail and layout i do it in photoshop cc
• i love twice & ava max
• i can speak spanish, english and a bit of portuguese
• i mostly like to do unfair line distributions lol
• twice is my mood
• stan ava max

this is just my opinion. i do NOT own anything.


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