Are you STILL looking to toss longer hands than probability dictates? Then, ya gotta do THIS!!

Описание к видео Are you STILL looking to toss longer hands than probability dictates? Then, ya gotta do THIS!!

P-L-E-A-S-E… if this video is not for you… No problem. Simply trash the video, & keep it moving.

However, for “ those” that are interested in trying to find alternative ways to gain a SLIGHT edge, along with Betting Strategies, ya MIGHT find this method of Dice Reading VERY interesting.

I am NOT interested in converting Anyone into thinking that this method of Dice Reading is Magic Dust, or the Golden goose!

Simply another way of approaching the game of Craps, IF you want to toss longer hands than probability dictates!!!

Remember…. We just need to get things to work in our favor MORE times than NOT!!! 😉

#Cashierscage #chopperdicetoss #Craps


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