CARP FISHING road trip Summer 2020

Описание к видео CARP FISHING road trip Summer 2020

My first road trip of the year sees me fishing one of the most famous carp waters in Germany, home of the former world record common. It was planned as a two-week visit but is extended to three due to the infamous virus, my longest ever carp fishing session. Known locally as 'die hard lake', it starts off in a sad way as I find the venue's biggest carp dead on my first day, a massive common of 83lb. It then picks up with some nice carp coming my way, including several 20kg fish, topped by an ancient 50-pounder known as Nemo. I cover tactics and talk about the meaning that big fish have on compulsive carp anglers. The trip also covers 48-hours on a nearby forest lake to break up the tough fishing, where I'm fortunate to land a stunning mirror known as The Dark One.


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