Installing Apigee Hybrid with Helm Charts

Описание к видео Installing Apigee Hybrid with Helm Charts

Apigee is Google Cloud's native API management platform that can be used to build, manage, and secure APIs — for any use case, environment, or scale. Apigee offers high performance API proxies to create a consistent, reliable interface for your backend services.

This video focuses on Apigee Hybrid which is Apigee's product that is deployed in a hybrid deployment model. The hybrid model includes a management plane hosted by Apigee in the Cloud and a runtime plane that you install and manage on one of the supported Kubernetes platforms.

In this video my friend and colleague Greg Kuelgen and myself give an overview of Installing Apigee Hybrid with Helm charts and then we do a demo installation of Apigee hybrid with helm charts following this page. -


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