马来西亚🇲🇾家常菜:肉末蒸蛋,鲜嫩多汁超好吃的!😋 Steamed eggs with minced meat, tender and juicy super delicious! 😋

Описание к видео 马来西亚🇲🇾家常菜:肉末蒸蛋,鲜嫩多汁超好吃的!😋 Steamed eggs with minced meat, tender and juicy super delicious! 😋



2⃣️ 将猪肉加入到调好的蛋液中,烧一锅开水架上蒸笼,把碟放入其中,蒸15分钟

Malaysian 🇲🇾 home cooking: Steamed eggs with minced meat, tender and juicy super delicious! 😋

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 200 grams of minced meat, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of pepper, shallots, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of chicken essence, some kind of water, green onions

1⃣️ Add a spoon of cooking wine, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of pepper to minced meat and marinate for 10 minutes; 3 eggs, add a bowl of water and beat for later use.
2⃣️Add pork to the prepared egg mixture, boil a pot of boiling water and put on a steamer rack, put the discs in it, and steam for 15 minutes
3⃣️Peel the red onion, slice it and fry it, take it out after golden brown, and prepare a bowl of sauce: 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of dark soy sauce, 1 spoon of chicken essence, almost water
4⃣️At this time, the egg is steamed, take it out; sprinkle the fried shallots on top, drizzle the sauce and sprinkle a little green onion to complete it ✅


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