The 30 June Revolution in Egypt.

Описание к видео The 30 June Revolution in Egypt.

The 30 June revolution occurred in Egypt on 30 June 2013, marking the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Morsi's inauguration as president.
Reasons for demanding Morsi's resignation included accusations of increasing authoritarianism and his pushing through an Islamist agenda disregarding the predominantly secular opposition or the rule of law. The events ended with the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état after mass protests across Egypt demanding the immediate resignation of the president
On 3 July 2013, General el-Sisi led a coalition to remove Morsi from power and suspended the constitution. The move came after the military claimed their ultimatum for the government to "resolve its differences" with opponents was ignored.
The military arrested Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and declared Chief Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court Adly Mansour as the interim president of Egypt. The announcement was followed by demonstrations and clashes between supporters and opponents of the move throughout Egypt.

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