Custom Star Wars Costume - Tactical Ops Stormtrooper

Описание к видео Custom Star Wars Costume - Tactical Ops Stormtrooper

I found myself with two full size Stormtrooper "statues" and a lot of free time on my hands. So, I took my Anovos armor costume, cut off the cod-piece from the torso, took out the paint cans, X-Acto knife and painted/built a new, completely non-canon, made up, "Tactical Operations Stormtrooper!" It was an odyssey of patience and learning from mistakes, but the finished product is still pretty cool! Check it out!

**Tactical Operations Stormtroopers are recruited from throughout the Stormtrooper corps, to include Stormtrooper specialties such as Shoretroopers, Shadow Troopers, Scout Troopers and so forth. These grey-and-black-clad mission specialists have shown an enhanced propensity for anti-social behavior, a certain "morale flexibility," a demonstrated level of physical fitness and mental acuity and an adeptness at critical thinking, working alone or in small teams and being severed from the imperial umbilical for long stretches of time. Consequently, there were only 27 known Tactical Operations Stormtroopers (Tac-Ops as they are commonly called) to be in existence before the fall of the Empire.

Tac-Ops were divided into 9 teams of 3 and generally worked with members they had chosen themselves to ensure team cohesion. On rare occasions, they did work alone or in pairs.

Tac-Ops were given the dirtiest and most secret of Imperial missions. Kidnapping high level rebel or even Imperial dignitaries? Yep. Kidnapping children and family members of those same dignitaries? Often. Espionage, spying, assassinations, covert demolition and general distasteful acts? Most of these fell to this highly secretive, yet cold and calculatingly efficient group of operators.

When not actively engaged in missions, Tac-Ops wore standard cloth, black, Imperial Officer uniforms and were all the rank of sergeant or above for enlisted, and lieutenant or above for the officers. Only a select few VERY high ranking imperials knew of the unit's existence, to include the Emperor and Lord Vader. A quorum of three of these high ranking members was needed to send the unit on missions due to the exceedingly sensitive nature of their operations.

There were rumors of the unit among the regular Imperial troops, with some even claiming to have seen one of the elusive Tac-Ops operators in full grey armor, but this is unlikely. Smart Imperials would avoid them and rebels were terrified of them. And for good measure.

The whereabouts of the members of the unit were unknown as of the fall of the Empire at Endor. It is highly likely many died before or during that battle. It is also highly likely that after the battle, the remaining Tac-Ops operators destroyed their armor and blended into the populace fearing that capture or having their identities revealed would subject them to harsh retribution due to the highly unorthodox, violent, and morally distasteful nature of their previous missions.**


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