Centering Prayer Timer, Led by Thomas Keating at Folsom Prison

Описание к видео Centering Prayer Timer, Led by Thomas Keating at Folsom Prison

Fr. Thomas Keating introduces a 20-minute session of Centering Prayer. During its first 4 minutes he offers verbal guidance, followed by silence and concluding with a very slow praying of the Lord's Prayer. Recorded 9/17/99 among prisoners in Folsom, CA who practice Centering Prayer.

For info and support on prison outreach using Centering Prayer, visit Prison Contemplative Fellowship at and the Contemplative Outreach Prison Outreach Service Team at

For info and worldwide support groups on Centering Prayer, visit Contemplative Outreach at

To access a playlist of videos on prison outreach and Centering Prayer, visit    • Prison Outreach videos  .


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