National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition - 2022 Virtual American Trombone Workshop (4K)

Описание к видео National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition - 2022 Virtual American Trombone Workshop (4K)

Welcome to the Virtual American Trombone Workshop 2022 and the National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition.

Every year we receive hundreds of submissions from across the world to participate in our American Trombone Workshop National Solo Competitions. Three finalists from each division are invited to perform live at the workshop. One winner is selected in each of the three age divisions: Division I features participants ages 18 and younger, Division II features participants ages 23 and younger, and Division III is open to all ages. This year one of our international applicants was selected as a finalist but was unable to travel here due to Covid-19 lockdown in China. We were able to work with them to receive an unedited single-take submission for their final round to allow them to continue to participate virtually.

Our finalists for Division I this year are Lucas Haas from Windermere High School and Alexander Russell (Winner Division I) from the New England Conservatory of Music. The Division II finalists this year are Dawson Ward from Baylor University, Austin Talbot from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and Hanae Yoshida (Winner Division II) from the Tianjin Julliard School in China. The Division III finalists this year are Wesley Shores (Winner Division III) from the University of Central Arkansas, Jamey Morgan from Michigan State University, and Stephen Whimple from the University of Alabama.

National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition Repertoire:
Division I: "Cavatine" -- Camille Saint-Saens
Division II: "Concertino for Trombone" -- Lars-Erik Larsson
Division III: "Arrows of Time" -- Richard Peaslee

National Tenor Trombone Solo Competition Judges:
Dr. Natalie Mannix
MSG Sam Woodhead
SSG Kyle Gordon


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