Stalked by the PSNI - Know Your Rights!

Описание к видео Stalked by the PSNI - Know Your Rights!

Just yesterday (22/01/2022) two Lasair Dhearg activists, both Public Spokespeople for the organisation, were stalked for several hours and over several miles by the same PSNI vehicle as they made their way into and about Belfast City Centre.

Beginning on the Lisburn Road in the South of the city, the vehicle first passed both activists as they a distance from Derryvolgie Avenue where the passenger of the vehicle leant sharply across the driver and gestured a sarcastic thumbs up to both activists.

Shortly after this, the heavily armoured car stopped, the officers alighted, and indicated to both activists that they were to be subject to a forced Stop & Search which had been authorised by the Secretary of State, including collection of their personal information.

The stop itself lasted several minutes, though the same vehicle and its occupants went on to stalk both activists as they made their way into and about Belfast City Centre, passing them a minimum of 15 times and loitering about the areas within which they stopped.

The PSNI have forcibly stopped and searched over 374,000 people in the past ten years. The equivalent of approximately one fifth of the total population of the Six Counties.

These statistics serve as a reminder to the rest of us to know your rights when faced with a situation such as this.

The Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007 is the most utilised piece of legislation that allows the PSNI to do the following:

Section 21:

(a) Stop as ‘long as necessary’ to question identity and/or movements.

(b) Stop vehicle following a recent ‘terrorist’ incident.

Section 24:

Search for ammunition, wireless apparatus and transmitters in a public place (‘reasonable suspicion’ NOT required) or private place (‘reasonable suspicion IS required).

NOTE: The PSNI can rely on ‘intelligence’ as the sole basis for their ‘reasonable suspicion’!



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