4K Shanghai Summer Walk 2022上海汽车夏季嘉年华-夜游金碧辉煌的上海展览中心-逛逛夏日之夜的上海本地车展 有你喜欢的新车吗?

Описание к видео 4K Shanghai Summer Walk 2022上海汽车夏季嘉年华-夜游金碧辉煌的上海展览中心-逛逛夏日之夜的上海本地车展 有你喜欢的新车吗?

4K Shanghai Summer Walk 2022上海汽车夏季嘉年华-夜游金碧辉煌的上海展览中心-逛逛夏日之夜的上海本地车展 有你喜欢的新车吗?

上海展览中心亦称为上海展览馆,位于上海市中心静安区。上海展览中心承办了许多国内外重要的展览会,也担当上海市人民代表大会,政治协商会议和政府工作会议举办场所的重要角色。在经济、政治、科技、文化等方面发挥巨大的作用。2016年9月,上海展览中心入选“首批中国20世纪建筑遗产”名录。上海展览中心 [3] 建成于1955年,原名“中苏友好大厦”,是上海的代表性建筑之一,也是50年代上海市建造的首座大型建筑,与北京展览馆一样同属俄罗斯古典主义建筑风格。
Shanghai Exhibition Center, also known as Shanghai Exhibition Center, is located in the Jing'an District in the center of Shanghai. The Shanghai Exhibition Center has hosted many important exhibitions at home and abroad, and also plays an important role as the venue for the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, the Political Consultative Conference and the Government Work Conference. Play a huge role in economics, politics, science and technology, culture, etc. In September 2016, Shanghai Exhibition Center was selected as the "First Batch of China's 20th Century Architectural Heritage" list. Shanghai Exhibition Center was built in 1955, formerly known as the "Sino-Soviet Friendship Building". It is one of the representative buildings in Shanghai and the first large-scale building built in Shanghai in the 1950s. It is in the same Russian classical architectural style as the Beijing Exhibition Hall.


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