Moocharoo scam exposed

Описание к видео Moocharoo scam exposed

Hey guys in this video I exposed this scammer Ben/ Moocharoo.

i bought his master subscription amongst many others and it is a total scam.
Many others including I have lost money with his bot.

I can not believe how he is stilll keeping on scamming people with that video still on youtube, He does not care, His greed and selfish attitude has made him blind, he is a scammer a thief.

This video has clear evidence and you will see with your own eyes that how so many members of his private groups who bought his master ninja bot have actually lost money, 1 member even lost 1 btc. it is all shown in the video.

Do not fall for this scam guys.

i am putting my time and effort in to this so you do not have to loose money in this scam.


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