'Planet of the Daleks' Movie Trailer

Описание к видео 'Planet of the Daleks' Movie Trailer

What if 'Planet of the Daleks' had been made in the 21st century for the big screen? Here is my movie trailer for this epic story featuring New Series Daleks and a space ship which isn't made from reflective cardboard.

~ In Memory of Barry Letts ~


I actually started this back in February 2009 after I finished a 3D model of the New Series Dalek Supreme. I rendered him coming down the red 'Davros' corridor from 'Journey's End' and it started to come together accidentally. I had ideas for shots which would be interesting to re-create, such as the Dalek army in the cave, and the idea of a trailer came naturally. But then, as with most of my animations, I lost interest and I couldn't think how to complete it.

A few months later I picked it up again, and rendered the shot of the Daleks cutting through the door, which I was very pleased with (and I may upload another video at some point with the complete sequence). But then I realised that I wasn't happy with other shots and so I felt the need to re-create them. I ended up re-animating about a quarter of it, until I realised I'd never be fully happy with it. I couldn't let it drag on any further so I decided to leave it as it was, despite there being loads of things I don't like, but if I have to play the sequence through one more time, I'll go mad.

I hope it's inadequacies don't show through too much and that the audio problems are forgiveable.


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