Webinar: Sharing Good Practice: Partnership Between Specialist and Mainstream Settings (Part 2 of 3)

Описание к видео Webinar: Sharing Good Practice: Partnership Between Specialist and Mainstream Settings (Part 2 of 3)

This three-part series will explore how partnerships between Specialist and Mainstream settings can be developed and used to benefit both and support all students with SEND.

This series is suitable for practitioners across primary and mainstream from all settings.

Part 1: Tuesday 25th January 2022, 16:00-17:00

In this session, Phil Harrison, Regional Director of Shaw Education Trust (SET) will be joined by Berni Pearce, SET IofE , who runs a Hub for both special and mainstream English teachers and a Hub for Teaching and Learning Leads from mainstream and special schools to discuss in detail how cross-sector working brings benefits to both mainstream and special schools in order to support students with SEND.

Part 2: Tuesday 1st March 2022, 16:00-17:30

The second session in the series will explore pedagogical strategies frequently used in special schools which can also support students with SEND in mainstream. The session will cover engagement and disengagement, in-class strategies to support sensory needs and how to capture qualitative data and evidence for annual reviews. We will be joined byAlistair Crawfordand Alan Wood, pioneer of ‘Evidence for Learning’.

Part 3: Tuesday 15th March 2022, 16:00-17:00

In the final session, colleagues from across special and mainstream schools will discuss a range of assessment and accreditation opportunities for students who are working below expected levels or for whom traditional assessment methodologies are not capturing their progress.

You can find accompanying materials for this webinar here: https://www.sendgateway.org.uk/resour...


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