James Braha ≈ Astrology Readings

Описание к видео James Braha ≈ Astrology Readings

Astrological consultation is a major theme in the 1996 book Astro-logos: Revelations of a Hindu Astrologer by James Braha, one of the first astrologers to bring Indian astrology to the west. This short selection comes from his chapter on Practice with the Public.

Braha also brought us the classic, Ancient Vedic Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer as well as the recent publication The Braha Sutras. He has encouraged astrologers to use Vedic astrology for its amazing predictive ability, and western astrology for its psychological and spiritual advantages. https://jamesbraha.com

Music: Dreams of River Ganga by Hanu Dixit and Kombucha Drone by Unicorn Heads

Images: Wikimedia, from the oldest scientific manuscript in the National Library. The volume contains various Latin texts on astronomy. Written in Caroline minuscule, it consists of two sections, the first copied c. 1000 in the Limoges area of France, probably in the milieu of Adémar de Chabannes (989-1034), the second from a scriptorium in the same region, perhaps dated c. 1150.
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StellaMantra is a branch of The Ness of Astrology. For astrology readings and additional info visit https://nessofastrology.com.


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