The death of the mother, the birth of the baby: the story of the conflict over guardianship

Описание к видео The death of the mother, the birth of the baby: the story of the conflict over guardianship

In one of the remote villages in the mountainous areas, a young woman suffers severe complications during childbirth and unfortunately dies. This tragic event happens in a situation where access to medical and relief facilities is very limited. The baby is born safely, but his mother is no longer with him.

After this tragic event, the baby's father and the baby's grandmother, i.e. the baby's mother, have a strong conflict and dispute over the ownership and custody of the baby. The baby's father believes that as a father, custody of the baby is his natural right and he should be responsible for raising and maintaining the baby. On the other hand, the baby's grandmother, due to the loss of her daughter, feels that the baby should stay with her so that she can take good care of her and fill the void of her daughter.

This disagreement between the baby's father and grandmother causes a lot of tension in the family and the small village community. Different people in the village have different reactions to this incident and some take the side of the father and others the side of the grandmother. This conflict makes the baby's future uncertain and it is not clear who will be responsible for him.

Finally, this story shows the complexities of human relationships and the profound effects of loss and death on families, and highlights the need for dialogue, mutual understanding, and finding appropriate solutions to complex family problems.



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