Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada - Epilogue | Finale

Описание к видео Samurai Warriors: Spirit of Sanada - Epilogue | Finale

This is the end of Spirit of Sanada. There are no more battles to be fought, this is just the aftermath showing what happens to Nobuyuki now that his father and brother are gone. It's a nice tough to finish this off and something I wasn't expecting.

So, that's it for Spirit of Sanada. All in all, this is a really solid game. The story is fantastic and portrayed excellently, the characters are done well and really show a lot of meaningful character development as time goes on. I know this is an oddity for Warriors, but I really hope Koei does more focused stories like these. They can make really good stories if they just devote some time and effort into it. I absolutely can't stand to play SW4 anymore, but Spirit of Sanada is good enough to make me not care that it's technically part of the SW4 series. Hell of a lot of fun playing this, with a fantastic end game from the second you get the amazing Adult Yukimura.

Now if my ordering is done right this video should come out once DW9 has been released, and I do plan to record that, so I should have some videos from that up fairly soon, if they aren't up already.


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