從第一印象到34年後,長期在台的英籍建築設計師及前實踐大學教授認為在審美觀和建築上台灣已步入正軌: 34-years-in-Taiwan architect on local aesthetics

Описание к видео 從第一印象到34年後,長期在台的英籍建築設計師及前實踐大學教授認為在審美觀和建築上台灣已步入正軌: 34-years-in-Taiwan architect on local aesthetics


I met Clive in yoga class several years ago. We recently had the chance to sit down and talk about his 34 years in Taiwan, and in particular his thoughts on Taiwanese architecture and aesthetics. The thought for getting Clive's take on this subject comes from the recent discussion online about foreigners saying that Taiwanese buildings are "ugly." Thanks to Clive's professional background, he's helped clear up some misunderstandings and bring context to this issue.


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